Friday, August 22, 2008

MCD deck

This a new deck i m playing hahaha

1 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
2 Mobius the Frost Monarch
2 Caius the Shadow Monarch
3 D.D. Survivor
1 D.D Warrior Lady
2 Banisher of the Radiance
1 Cyber Dragon
1 Breaker the Magical Warrior
2 D.D Assailant
2 Exiled Force
1 Snipe Hunter
1 Spirit Reaper

1 Smashing Ground
1 Fissure
2 Lightning Vortex
2 Reinforcement of the Army
2 Shrink
2 Book Of Moon

1 Trap Dustshoot
3 Macro Cosmos
3 Solemn Judgment
1 Mirror Force
2 Dimensinal Prison
2 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Torrential Tribute

Thursday, August 21, 2008

New Banned List Start From 1-9-08

hahaha i'm happy adout the new ban list is a add-on to the old want
Is time for you looking for new card to play hahahaha

New update to Ban/Restriction List, effective 9/1/2008:New
Banned cards:
Dark Magician of Chaos//混沌の黒魔術師
--Sad DMOC is ban Y is this card ban just people want to more thing to it and it ban sad.....
Destiny Hero - Disk Commander//D・HERO ディスクガイ
--Happy for People that had no disk guy
Permature Burial//早すぎた埋葬
-- No Y it Ban This Card that is soooo not thing to it
Dimension Fusion//次元融合
--???? i had notthing to say adout this 100% will ban

New Restriction:
Breaker the Magical Warrior//魔導戦士 ブレイカー
--haha a other good card is back.....
Cyber Dragon//サイバー・ドラゴン
-- ??? not more OTK from Machine
--sad for people still wan to play this card hahaha....
Monster Gate//モンスターゲート
-- Same Thing as Reasoning
Return from D.D.//異次元からの帰還
-- Same thing............

New Semi-Restriction:
Dark Armed Dragon//ダーク・アームド・ドラゴン
-- Semi Restriction this card change not thing
Judgment Dragoon//裁きの龍
-- Semi Restriction this card change not thing
Summon Priest//召喚僧サモンプリースト
-- hahaha Dark Armed Synchro 30% solw down hahaha
Rescue Cat//レスキューキャット
-- hahaha Dark Armed Synchro 30% solw down hahaha
Card of Safe Return//生還の宝札
-- Sad for people playing Undead or ligthlord.....
Nobleman of Crossout//抹殺の使徒
--?? this card do not thing hahaha give them la hahaha
Chain Strike//連鎖爆撃
-- not to say for this card dot..........
Phantom of Chaos//ファントム・オブ・カオス
-- Semi-Restriction for dark Armed dot....

Light and Darkness Dragon//光と闇の竜
Calling Reinforcement//増援
Power of Magician//魔導師の力
Destiny Hero - Malicious//D・HERO ディアボリックガイ
Royal Decree//王宮のお触れ

Any Card for The Unrestricted Happy for all that card way unrestricted......

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

SRY this Blog is go down for up date for the next 3 weeks thank's

Sry guy now for this few week i will need to do some change for this blog hhahahaha

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sry to all

For This Blog i will do very solw update becz i will be not that free to do any update n yakriaz is going to had his "O"LEVEL SOOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Gladial Beast Ver1.1 Deck

This the new Deck that i had try play for the past few week hahahahaha

Monsters (14)

3x Gladial Beast Laquer

2x Gladial Beast Darius

3x Gladial Beast Bestiari

2x Gladial Beast Murmillo

2x Gladial Beast Hoplomus

2x Gladial Beast Equite

Fusion (6)

3x Gladial Beast Heraclenos

3x Gladial Beast Kaiseris

Spell (13)

1x Monster Reborn

2x Lightning Vortex

1x Brain Control

1x Heavy Storm

1x Early Burial

1x MST

3x Shrink

3x Cold Wave

Trap (13)

3x Waboku

3x Gladial Beast Chariot

1x Torrential Tribute

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

1x Mirror Force

3x Solemn Judgment

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Card's Review On Dragoon D - END

Dragoon D-END
Dark/Warrior - Fusion/10/3000/3000
[Destiny Hero Bloo-D] + [Destiny Hero Dogmaguy]
This monster's Fusion Summon must be done by above cards. Once per turn you can destroy a monster on opponent's field and dealtdamage to opponent equal to that monster's attack strength. You cannot have Battle Phase the turn this effect was used. Whenthis card is in Graveyard during your Standby Phase, you can remove a [Destiny Hero] card from Graveyard from the game to special summon this card.
Ultra/Ultimate Rare

This a First Fusion Monster for Destiny Hero, which found out is so fun to play with D - END it had a effect to
special summon it self by remove a ( Destiny Hero ) is can special summon him by Monster Reborn if you had fusion it before.
But you need to had the main fusion monster to fusion this card out to play because of the word (
This monster's Fusion Summon must be done by above cards ) to summon this card.
Now i'm trying to Build a Deck for using this card to see it is fun to play.
Ok it time for me to go Build deck and try see you all around whahahahaha.........

Monday, April 7, 2008

He hit the floor

And got low, low,low....
I was told to look back at this blog... and What the (f)buck I first see is the stupid background colour.(Thanks Recca)
Then I guess I will just do some stupid rants for now.
1.Monster Reborn unbanned? Lols at MoBC-reborn combo.
2.No Phantom Darkness packs? Where did they go for the past week?
3.Lightlord! It totally pisses me off to see some one-turn kill type deck this fast. Judgment and boom. 3000 In your face!

On some short review, lets see how Judgment Dragon works.

Judgment Dragon

This card cannot be Normal Summoned. This card cannot be special summon outside of when there are 4 or more types of [Lightlord] monsters in your Graveyard. Pay 1000 lifepoints, destroy all cards on the field outside of this card. When this card is face-up on your field, during each of your End Phase send the top 4 cards on the deck to Graveyard.

4 Different Lightlords are not difficult to pull in with some Lightlord "Deck-to-Grave" effect, especially when there are 8 different Lightlords.
Taking away 1000 of life to burn the whole field is not much of a price, when you can actually kill your opponent after the effect is over.After this point of time, take Judgment as tribute and advance summon Lightlord Dragon-Gragonis. With some different lightlords inside, this card attack would be at least 3200 after summoning Judgment Dragon.If you count more of Lightlords inside, its a easy attack boost for a one turn kill. Crazy eh?

P.S. If you see me outside, do me a favour by posing a Solar Exchange pose.(Lol)

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Returner Machine Deck

This decks my brother ken test out for few week liao. It work very will when he play this deck with all his friend around him. i will not post his side deck out test out card that u find that can add to this deck ba. His main for this deck is using Shocker n Returner is want of the comdo for this deck.

Wish u all Happy dealing...................

Returner Machine Deck Total: ( 42 Crads )

Monster Cards( 19 )
Cyber Phoenix x2
Proto Cyber Dragon x3
Cyber Dragon x2
Psyho - Shocker (Jinzo) x2
Psyho - Returner x3
Shipe Hunter x1
Neo Ground Mole x1
Card Gunner x1
DD Crow x2
Critter x1
Spirit Reaper x1

Magic Cards ( 15 )
Premature Burial x1
Hurricane x1
Overload Fusion x1
Heavy Strom x1
Enemy controller x2
Power Bond x2
Future Fusion x1
Brain Control x1
Fissure x1
Limiter Removal x1
Monster Reborn x1
Mystical Space Typhoon x1
Nobleman of Crossout x1

Trap Cards ( 8 )
Mirror Force x1
D.N.A Sugery x3
Royal Decree x2
Torrential Tribute x1
Magic Cylinder x1

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Blogmasters already dead?

No, we are actually not... But right before the december tournament, we have kept a low profile in Yu-Gi-Oh already.Those who know both of us well should know we have not appeared in gatherings for long...I would also like to apologize to those keeps visiting for updates, but then someone has been lazing around... He can almost everyday find some card dealers to see new updates but he isn't? ?Haha! Our next update is most probably when the new set comes out...Hopefully.
As well as the Duelist Genesis set is going to make a change in gameplay.