Okay, for this new set, I seriously think its actually not needed. For its seriously dumb in my view... For deckbuilding, the dark monsters does do some boost the the current ones, but if its to be made in a more successful way, wait till the Wicked Emperor comes out next month... Its a much better boost.
Also the Yubel cards. I seriously think its quite lame for it, but then I am thinking is the only "cool" part of this set. Waiting for a deck of this to appear. So far never meet one yet. Cannot review much.
As for the "character played" cards... Nothing to say. D-heros are just nothing...The Cybers... I have no comment.... Except for the Armored Cybern, the other 2 cyber needs to be together.The volcanics received a small boost, a card which gives a D-ring like effect, and a card that burns off opponent's 1000 lifepoints, which is actually good, in a sense.Finally as for Neospacians, I believe that Storm Neos is the only much playable in a Neos theme, for a double contact fusion types, because Magma Neos is kind of hard to make a kill, which Chaos Neos is just speechless for me.Yay for instant neospace, its a very good boost, no need to return the fusion!Magic Chronicle? I thought thats a card appears in anime only?! Speechless at this card, moving on.
Gem beasts! Getting much gay-er and gay-er, they already received a fast pull of the gem beast in the recent duelist pack, now they boost up for rainbow dragon?!... If I am going to face a gem beast, its surrender for me.
[Edit]Scream all you want, AllexWalker. Rainbow dark dragon does not seem to be for gem beasts. Its for some dark monsters style. This might actually mean advanced gem beasts will NOT appear.
If theres anything you want to see my comment on, request on tagboard... I know I am missing out some.
Monday, November 26, 2007
New set!
Posted by
YakiruZ(I got 3 nicks.)
1:20 AM
Labels: Card's Review
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Destiny LADD
Okay, by request, this decklist is to be posted...Not tested by me or Recca, thus we will not comment on by just looking.
2x Malicious Edge
2x Light And Darkness Dragon
2x Destiny Hero Bloo-D
3x Flying squirrel
3x Giant Germ
1x Neospacian Ground Mole
1x Sangan
1x Spirit Reaper
2x Destiny Hero Diabolic Guy
1x Armor Crasher
1x Yomigaeru
1x Cyber Dragon
1x Destiny Draw
1x Cyclone
1x Heavy Storm
1x Brainwash
1x Book Of Moon
1x Enemy Controller
1x Pot Of Avarice
1x Nobleman Of Crossout
2x Reinforcement Of Army
1x Revival Of Warrior
1x Premature Burial
1x Monster Reincarnation
1x Card Trader
1x Lightning Vortex
1x Dead Spirit - Zoma
1x Earthbound Spirit's Invitation
1x Deck Destruction Virus Of Death
1x Holy Barrier - Mirror Force
1x Torrential Tribute
Basically I just copy pasted...=x Im lazy k?=p
Anyway, while doing so i noticed alot of loopholes in the way the cards are used...
Well, leave your own comments in the tagboard.
Posted by
YakiruZ(I got 3 nicks.)
11:31 AM
Labels: DeckList's
Monday, October 22, 2007
Whee, lets look at what UDE has done to us!
Please head on and cry as you look at Rise of Dragon's decklist...Here
Posted by
YakiruZ(I got 3 nicks.)
11:40 PM
Labels: Random Postings
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
New packs!
In case some of you do not know,Dp6 and Dp7 have already been released! Have fun getting the new packs..And Im currently broke. =(
Thanks to Duel Society for updates! Have fun!
Posted by
YakiruZ(I got 3 nicks.)
6:28 PM
Labels: Random Postings
Friday, October 5, 2007
Nameless Deck.
Lol! No Card Review, Decklist lor!
Argh. There is no title for this deck as I cannot really think of it yet...Or to say I'm just freaked up LAZY.
Here goes.
1xYomigaeru(Treeborn Frog aka Kap-Poh)
1xSpirit Reaper
1xNeospacian GroundMole(GrandMole)
1xElemental Hero Airman
1xElemental Hero Wildman(Wildheart)
3xGiant Germ
2xCyber Dragon
2xFrost Emperor Mobius(Monarch)
1xJinzo(Psycho Shocker)
1xEvil-Hero Malicious Edge
1xEmmisary of Hades, Gorz
1xMagician of Black Chaos
1xDestiny Hero Bloo-D(Plasma[TV])
1xHeavy Storm
1xFoolish Burial
1xPremature Burial
1xEarth Crush
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1xBook of Moon
1xBrain Control
1xPot of Avarice
2xEnemy Controller
1xTrap Dustshoot(Dustchute)
1xDeck Destruction Virus of Death(Crush card Virus)
1xHoly Barrier-Mirror force
1xMagic Cylinder
1xCall of the Haunted
1xTorrential Tribute
Total Deck Cards:40
My view in this deck-
This deck originally came from the idea of using both Giant Germs as well as Nimble Momonga to quickly bring out main fighters of this deck, but I found out that it would be imbalanced to actually put both sets in, as it always jams my hand.Now i tried using Giant Germ with the support of DDV, its does seem much better now, but this deck is freaking hard for me to understand and use...(How the hell did I thought of it at first? =.=)The presense of Jinzo is not to really jam and scare your opponent, its actually much used as a final attack, to cover from traps.There is no way Jinzo would stay at field too long, it might cause harm to self.
You can try this out, but I cannot assure you 100% success, it would be most likely due to no luck, or either the way of using this deck is really hard to understand.Recca tried out this deck, and really quite made it a success, from what I saw.
Posted by
YakiruZ(I got 3 nicks.)
11:36 PM
Labels: DeckList's
Monday, September 17, 2007
Review: Mausoleum of Deceased Emperor
Mausoleum of Deceased Emperor
Magic - Field
Both players can pay lifepoints equal to the number of monsters need for sacrifice summon *1000,and Normal Summon that monster without sacrificing.
Why I do a review on this card becourse their miss use the effcet of this card when I run around place to place play deck.They keep asking why this can do this can not do that……………
That why this review is for the people that keep asking about this card.
Using the effect of “Mausoleum of the Emperor” can be chained to.
“Mausoleum of the Emperor” does not grant extra Normal Summons. If you use its effect, you cannot Normal Summon or Set another monster during the same turn.
A monster Normal Summoned with the effect of “Mausoleum of the Emperor” is NOT Tribute Summoned. So if you pay 1000 Life Points and Normal Summon “ Wind Emperor - Raiser”, its effect will not activate. Becourse of the Effect of the of the “Emperor” you must be Successfully Sacrificed summoned.
You cannot use its effect in conjunction with “Ultimate Offering”, because you cannot activate “Mausoleum of the Emperor’s” effect during the resolution of “Ultimate Offering’s” effect.
You cannot pay 3000 Life Points to Normal Summon “Gilford the Lightning” and activate its effect. You can pay 2000 Life Points just to Summon it. You cannot then Tribute just 1 monster to activate its effect.
You cannot pay 3000 Life Points to “D-Hero Bloo-D” it becourse it is a special summon.
You cannot Normal Summon "Victory Dragon" with the effect of "Mausoleum of the Emperor"
How is this card:
This card they had many use is some of the deck use like most of the time I use this card for MOBC or other card.
It still had many way to use this card by just read the Ruling of the card or that card that u wanted to use.
I will not talk about combo’s of this card.
Posted by
ReccaEvil ( KING OF EMO )
3:55 AM
Labels: Card's Review
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Future Gx's episodes...SPOILER AHEAD!
Posted by
YakiruZ(I got 3 nicks.)
11:28 PM
Labels: Random Postings
Went out yesterday to get my Valuable book...So, since Recca had done on one already, its my turn to do the other.
Mist King
Water/Spellcaster/7/0/0 When this card is summoned, you may sacrifice one or no monster to sacrifice summon it. This card's attack strength is equal to the total original atack of the monsters sacrificed in the sacrifice summon. When this card is face-up on the field, sacrifice cannot be done.This card is basically just a "chimera" based creature, that you can control its attack strength by what you want to sacrifice to summon it.
Note that this summoning of Mist King is a normal summon, so it would be rather hard to bring out this creature with a godly attack.
Like the other card in the Valuable Book promo, this card is also quite well drawn...And not to mention someone that called this card "Gallantmon"(Refer to Digimon=.=)*Coughcoughgetsucoughcough*...A first view at this card would be like your knight in shining armour(lol), and the mist thats pouring out of its body gives off a really majestic look to it! Collectors would be really dying for this card right now...
As for the first part of its effect, this card would really seem like a "very hard" to summon card, and it gets really harder right now since Brainwash is now restricted to 1. If not, you could be already controlling opponent's monsters to summon this card out.You can also use cards that have a condition to special summon from hand to simply get this card out, or play some rituals or instant fusions.Make this card as really big as you want!
As for the second effect, its the cause of why this card is going to exist. This effect makes this card a monster-mask of restrict, not allowing any sacrifices or tributes to be done.Lets say in a situation where your opponent is going to make a godly moves with tributes, and you can actually save yourself by trying to revive this card back to field, perhaps after getting it to grave, and you save your life for that turn.There are a numbers of things this card can block...
-Normal summons that require tribtutes
-Enemy Controller(Its "tribute to control" effect)
-Hand of Nephthys(Do I even need to explain?)
-Exiled Force
-DDVD,DDVM & DDVDarkness(Well, they require you to tribute the creature,so...)
You get the drift...
As for what this card cannot block is...
-Contact fusions
-Normal fusions
Perhaps some other..I can't think right now >.<
There are much more ways to play this card, that would have to see that if people are going to play this card and think of combos for them..Thats it for my review...YakiruZ here by the way so urr...Have a nice duel!
Posted by
YakiruZ(I got 3 nicks.)
3:13 PM
Labels: Card's Review
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Card Review: Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
When this card is face-up on the field, monsters cannot be special summon. When this card is Filpped face-up, destroy all monster on the field that were special summoned.
This is a card for stopping special summon and can use for destroy all monster that was special summoned.Card like LADD n other monster that can special summon you can stop them and so can be use to put in face-down on the field, Ones the card reverse so call as filpped face-up it can destroy all monster that was special summon to the field.
Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo can be special summon to the field by using Giant Rat. Use this card to ATK LADD when his ATK point is 800 n it can stop the effect of LADD to soecial other monster to the field.
For the act work for the card is nice the actor done a good job for this time.
Posted by
ReccaEvil ( KING OF EMO )
11:19 PM
Labels: Card's Review
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Zombie Madness
This that i will not talk about how to use it is to easy to play.
There are 40 cards in this deck.
There are 20 Monsters and 20 S/T Cards ( 14 Spell and 6 Trap)
Morphing Jar (x1)
E.Hero Airman (x1)
E-Hero Hell Gainer (x1)
E-Hero Malicious Edge (x1)
Double Coston (x2)
Pyramid Turtle (x3)
Zombie Master (x1)
Ryu Kokki (x1)
Sangan (x1)
Spell Striker (x2)
Spirit Reaper (x1)
Soul of Malice - Gouka (x1)
Vampire Lord (x1)
Light and Darkness Dragon (x1)
Cyber Dragon (x2)
Book of Life (x2)
Heavy Storm (x1)
Mystical Space Typhoon (x1)
Premature Burial (x1)
Scapegoat (x1)
Brain Control (x1)
Book Of Moon (x1)
Shrink (x2)
Nobleman of Crossout (x1)
Pot of Avarice (x1)
Reinforcement of The Army (x1)
Enemy Controller (x1)
Call Of The Haunted (x1)
Magic Cylinder (x1)
Mirror Force (x1)
Sakuretsu Armor (x1)
Torrential Tribute (x1)
Prophecy of Reincarnation (x1)
Deck Review: This deck that was base on a OldSchool yugioh Zombie deck with update all the new card's that we can find and test out by a friend it was a beatdown zombie deck.
Posted by
ReccaEvil ( KING OF EMO )
5:42 AM
Labels: DeckList's
Monday, August 27, 2007
Yu-Gi-Oh Japanese Restriction List: Effective 01/09/2007
For All Tournament
NOTES:(* = new cards ** = restriction stats change)
Ban: (Not allow in deck)
黒き森のウィッチ//Black Forest Witch
カオス・ソルジャー -開闢の使者-//Chaos Soldier - Messenger of Beginning
-混沌帝龍 -終焉の使者-//Chaos Emperor Dragon - Messenger of the End
-カオス・ソーサラー//Chaos Sorceror
ファイバーポッド//Fiber Pod
処刑人-マキュラ//Executioner Makyura
キラー・スネーク//Killer Snake
同族感染ウィルス//Tribe Infecting Virus
魔導サイエンティスト//Magical Scientis
tサイバーポッド//Cyber Pod
サウザンド・アイズ・サクリファイス//Thousand Eye Sacrifice
デビル・フランケン//Devil Franken
ヴィクトリー・ドラゴン//Victory Dragon
サンダー・ボルト//Thunder Bol
tハーピィの羽根帚//Harpy's Feather Sweep
死者蘇生//Raise Dead
蝶の短剣-エルマ//Dagger of Butterflies - Eruma
悪夢の蜃気楼//Mirage of Nightmares
強引な番兵//Steadfast Guard
心変わり//Change of Heart
苦渋の選択//Distressful Choice
いたずら好きな双子悪魔//Mischevious Demon Twins
王家の神殿//Pharaoh's Shrine
ブラック・ホール//Black Hole
強欲な壺//Pot of Greed
天使の施し//Angel's Gift (e. Graceful Charity)
突然変異//Metamorphosis **
押収//Confiscate **
強奪//Theft (e. Snatch Steal) **
王宮の勅命//Imperial Decree
第六感//Sixth Sense
現世と冥界の逆転//Reversal of World (e. Exchange of the Spirit)
ラストバトル!//Last Battle! (e. Last Turn)
刻の封印//Time Seal
破壊輪//Destruction Ring **
Restricted (Allow 1 per deck - Main and Side Deck):
メタモルポット//Metamol Pod (e. Morphing Jar)
封印されしエクゾディア//Sealed Exodia
封印されし者の右足//Sealed Right Leg
封印されし者の右腕//Sealed Left Leg
封印されし者の左足//Sealed Left Hand
封印されし者の左腕//Sealed Right Hand
ドル・ドラ//Dol Dora
混沌の黒魔術師//Black Magician of Chaos
異次元の女戦士//Female Warrior of Another Dimension
黄泉ガエル//Yomigaeru (e. Treeborn Frog)
森の番人グリーン・バブーン//Forest Guard Green Baboon
魂を削る死霊//Soul Reaping Spirit (e. Spirit Reaper)
クリッター//Critter (e. Sangan)
深淵の暗殺者//Night Assassin
N-グラン・モール//Neospacian Ground Mole
冥府の使者ゴーズ//Emissary of Hades - Gorz
E-HERO エアーマン//E-Hero Airman
1 カードガンナー//Card Gunner (e. Card Trooper) *
スナイプストーカー//Snipestalker (e. Snipe Hunter) *
D-HERO ディスクガイ//Destiny Hero Discguy (e. Destiny Hero - Disk Commander) *
魔導戦士 ブレイカー//Magic Warrior Breaker **
聖なる魔術師//Saint Magician (e. Magician of Faith) **
大嵐//Heavy Storm
早すぎた埋葬//Early Burial
手札抹殺//Hand Obliteration
光の護封剣//Sealing Swords of Light
魔導師の力//Power of Magicians
団結の力//Power of Teamwork
月の書//Book of Moon
リミッター解除//Limiter Removal
魔法石の採掘//Magic Shard Excavation
レベル制限B地区//Level B Restriction Area
未来融合-フューチャー・フュージョン//Future Fusion
オーバーロード・フュージョン//Overload Fusion
次元融合//Dimensional Fusion
連鎖爆撃//Chain Strike
封印の黄金櫃//Golden Chest of Sealing
地砕き//Earth Crusher *
地割れ//Fissure *
洗脳-ブレインコントロール//Brain Control *
巨大化//Megamorph *
激流葬//Tidal Wave (e. Torrential Tribute)
死のデッキ破壊ウイルス//Deck Destruction Virus of Death
魔法の筒//Magic Cylinder停戦協定//Ceasefire Agreement
リビングデッドの呼び声//Cry of the Living Dead
聖なるバリア -ミラーフォース-//Holy Barrier - Mirror Force -
血の代償//Compensation of Blood (e. Ultimate Offering)
グラヴィティ・バインド-超重力の網-//Gravity Bind
マインドクラッシュ//Mind Crush
ダスト・シュート//Trap Dustshoot *
転生の予言//Phophecy of Reincarnation *
光の護封壁//Sealing Wall of Light **
Semi-Limited: (Allow 2 per deck - Main and Side Deck)
暗黒のマンティコア//Manticore of Darkness
見習い魔術師//Apprentice Magician
闇の仮面//Mask of Darkness
イエロー・ガジェット//Yellow Gadget *
グリーン・ガジェット//Green Gadget *
レッド・ガジェット//Red Gadget *
D-HERO ディアボリックガイ//Destiny Hero Diabolicguy (e. Destiny Hero - Malicious) *
人造人間-サイコ・ショッカー//Android - Psycho Shocker (e. Jinzo) **
強制転移//Forced Transfer
増援//Calling Reinforcements
貪欲な壺//Jar of Avarice **
抹殺の使徒//Emissary of Obliteration (e. Nobleman of Crossout) **
無謀な欲張り//Reckless Greed
王宮のお触れ//Royal Decree *
Off the list:
D.D.アサイラント//D.D. Assailant
神殿を守る者//Protector of the Shrine
ゴブリンのやりくり上手//Goblin Managment Expert
魔のデッキ破壊ウイルス//Deck Destruction Virus of Magic
Posted by
ReccaEvil ( KING OF EMO )
8:08 PM
Labels: BanList's
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championships 2007 Top 8 Deck List (USA San Diego)
Top 8 Decklists
Dexter Dalit — Canada
Monsters: 24
3 Raiza the Storm Monarch
3 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
2 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
2 Mobius the Frost Monarch
3 Mystic Tomato
3 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
2 Cyber Dragon
1 Snipe Hunter
1 Sangan
1 Treeborn Frog
1 Spirit Reaper
2 Gravekeeper’s Spy
Spells: 8
2 Brain Control
2 Soul Exchange
1 Scapegoat
1 Snatch Steal
1 Heavy Storm
1 Premature Burial
Traps: 8
2 Waboku
2 Trap Dustshoot
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Ring of Destruction
1 Call of the Haunted
Side Deck: 15
1 Jinzo
2 Newdoria
1 Confiscation
2 Nobleman of Extermination
1 Twister
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
3 Pulling the Rug
2 Royal Decree
2 Electric Virus
Fusion Deck:
1 Cyber Twin Dragon
1 Gatling Dragon
1 Five-Headed Dragon
1 The Last Warrior from Another Planet
1 King Dragun
1 Reaper on the Nightmare
1 Dark Blade the Dragon Knight
1 Ojama King
1 Fiend Skull Dragon
1 Ryu Senshi
1 Dark Balter the Terrible
1 Darkfire Dragon
1 Flame Ghost
1 Cyber End Dragon
2 Chimeratech Overdragon
Dario Longo — Italy — 2006 World Champion
Monsters: 17
2 Red Gadget
2 Green Gadget
2 Yellow Gadget
3 Cyber Phoenix
3 Cyber Dragon
2 D. D. Assailant
2 Exiled Force
1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
Spells: 16
3 Smashing Ground
2 Reinforcement of the Army
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
2 Shrink
1 Pot of Avarice
2 Enemy Controller
1 Confiscation
1 Snatch Steal
1 Heavy Storm
1 Lightning Vortex
1 Limiter Removal
Traps: 10
1 Bottomless Trap Hole
1 Ring of Destruction
3 Trap Dustshoot
1 Mind Crush
1 Widespread Ruin
1 Spell Shield Type-8
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Mirror Force
Side Deck: 15
3 D. D. Survivor
3 Dimensional Fissure
1 Nobleman of Crossout
2 Mask of Restrict
2 Snipe Hunter
3 Dust Tornado
1 System Down
Fusion Deck:
1 Cyber Twin Dragon
1 Cyber End dragon
1 Chimeratech Overdragon
1 Ryu Senshi
1 Dark Balter the Terrible
Mattia Sarpa — Italy
Monsters: 19
3 Hydrogeddon
3 Cyber Dragon
2 Cyber Phoenix
3 Raiza the Storm Monarch
1 Jinzo
1 Morphing Jar
1 Sangan
2 Gravekeeper’s Spy
3 Card Trooper
Spells: 14
1 Nobleman of Crossout
2 Machine Duplication
1 Limiter Removal
1 Heavy Storm
1 Confiscation
3 Brain Control
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Scapegoat
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Premature Burial
1 Snatch Steal
Traps: 7
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Ring of Destruction
1 Call of the Haunted
3 Trap Dustshoot
Side Deck: 15
2 Snipe Hunter
3 Dust Tornado
3 Pulling the Rug
1 Twister
3 Wave-Motion Cannon
1 System Down
2 Des Koala
Andres Toro — Chile
Monsters: 22
3 Cyber Dragon
3 Card Trooper
3 Gravekeeper’s Spy
3 Raiza the Storm Monarch
3 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
1 Treeborn Frog
3 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
1 Sangan
1 Morphing Jar
1 Spirit Reaper
Spells: 13
2 Brain Control
1 Soul Exchange
1 Scapegoat
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Book of Moon
1 Premature Burial
1 Heavy Storm
1 Snatch Steal
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Confiscation
1 Nobleman of Crossout
1 Machine Duplication
Traps: 6
2 Trap Dustshoot
1 Call of the Haunted
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Mirror Force
1 Ring of Destruction
Side Deck: 15
2 Banisher of the Radiance
1 D. D. Crow
2 Pulling the Rug
2 Mobius the Frost Monarch
1 Twister
1 Des Wombat
2 Royal Decree
1 Mind Crush
3 Hydrogeddon
Toshiki Muramatsu — Japan
Monsters: 25
2 Dark Ruler Ha Des
3 Raiza the Storm Monarch
3 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
2 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
1 Mobius the Frost Monarch
1 Cyber Dragon
1 Snipe Hunter
3 Mystic Tomato
3 Gravekeeper’s Spy
1 Gravekeeper’s Guard
1 Sangan
1 Neo-Spacian Grand Mole
1 Morphing Jar
1 Spirit Reaper
1 Treeborn Frog
Spells: 9
1 Confiscation
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Snatch Steal
2 Brain Control
1 Book of Moon
1 Swords of Revealing Light
Traps: 6
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Ring of Destruction
3 Pulling the Rug
Side Deck: 15
3 Hydrogeddon
3 Royal Decree
3 Trap Dustshoot
2 Mobius the Frost Monarch
2 Cyber Dragon
1 Jinzo
1 Mind Crush
Yuen Ka Wa — Hong Kong
Monsters: 21
1 Treeborn Frog
1 Night Assailant
1 Morphing Jar
2 Snipe Hunter
3 Cyber Dragon
3 Card Trooper
3 Gravekeeper’s Spy
1 Mobius the Frost Monarch
1 Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch
1 Raiza the Storm Monarch
1 Jinzo
1 Sangan
1 Spirit Reaper
1 D. D. Assailant
Spells: 14
2 Machine Duplication
3 Enemy Controller
1 Brain Control
1 Scapegoat
1 Snatch Steal
1 Heavy Storm
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Premature Burial
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Book of Moon
1 Limiter Removal
Traps: 5
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Ring of Destruction
1 Magic Cylinder
1 Call of the Haunted
Side Deck: 15
2 Royal Decree
1 D. D. Assailant
1 Des Koala
1 D. D. Warrior Lady
1 System Down
2 Sakuretsu Armor
1 Ceasefire
2 Dust Tornado
1 Mobius the Frost Monarch
1 Don Zaloog
2 Banisher of the Radiance
Oliver Schmidt-Voss — Germany
Monsters: 19
3 Card Trooper
1 Treeborn Frog
1 Morphing Jar
3 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
3 Cyber Phoenix
3 Raiza the Storm Monarch
3 Cyber Dragon
1 Sangan
1 Jinzo
Spells: 13
1 Confiscation
1 Heavy Storm
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
1 Limiter Removal
1 Machine Duplication
1 Pot of Avarice
2 Brain Control
1 Premature Burial
1 Snatch Steal
1 Overload Fusion
1 Future Fusion
1 Scapegoat
Traps: 8
3 Trap Dustshoot
1 Mind Crush
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Ring of Destruction
1 Call of the Haunted
Side Deck: 15
1 Threatening Roar
3 Legendary Jujitsu Master
3 Pulling the Rug
2 Royal Decree
1 Snipe Hunter
1 Card Destruction
2 System Down
1 Kuriboh
1 D. D. Crow
Fusion Deck:
2 Cyber Twin Dragon
2 Cyber End Dragon
2 Ryu Senshi
2 Dark Balter the Terrible
2 Chimeratech Overdragon
1 Gatling Dragon
Adam Corn — USA
Monsters: 17
1 Sangan
1 Spirit Reaper
2 Dekoichi the Battlechanted Locomotive
2 Mask of Darkness
1 Morphing Jar
3 Gravekeeper’s Spy
1 Gravekeeper’s Guard
2 Mystic Tomato
1 Lava Golem
2 Stealth Bird
1 Legendary Jujitsu Master
Spells: 10
3 Wave-Motion Cannon
2 Messenger of Peace
1 Level Limit – Area B
1 Book of Moon
1 Confiscation
1 Scapegoat
1 Swords of Revealing Light
Traps: 14
1 Mirror Force
1 Torrential Tribute
1 Ring of Destruction
3 Trap Dustshoot
3 Solemn Judgment
1 Magic Cylinder
1 Ceasefire
1 Gravity Bind
2 Pulling the Rug
Side Deck: 15
3 Raiza the Storm Monarch
2 Brain Control
2 Cyber Dragon
1 Treeborn Frog
1 Heavy Storm
1 Pot of Avarice
1 Premature Burial
1 Snatch Steal
1 Mobius the Frost Monarch
1 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
1 Mystical Space Typhoon
Fusion Deck:
2 Chimeratech Overdragon
2 Cyber End Dragon
2 Super Vehicroid Jumbo Drill
2 Cyber Twin Dragon2 Gatling Dragon
Posted by
ReccaEvil ( KING OF EMO )
9:40 PM
Labels: DeckList's
Review:Evil-Hero Hell Brat
Ok... My turn for review...As for my first, I will talk about the upcoming card in the new duelist pack 6, Judai Edition 3,
Evil-Hero Hell Brat
Atk 300 Def 600
If you do not control any monsters, you may special summon this card from your hand in attack position.If this card is used as a tribute to summon an Evil-Hero monster, at end phase of that turn, draw a card.
(A decent picture not available yet, will post if released.)
I am not really a fan for "main character" cards, but the HaOh Judai kind of changed my mind about them with the Evil-heroes, they are just too surprisingly powerful and made me love them, especially Malicious Edge...
From what most of you can tell already, this card is just purely a sacrificial item, and gains some boost if used with its Evil-heroes group, the ability to draw a card, which is really good. From what we can see, this card purely screams, "Use me to summon Malicious Edge!!" and get to draw a card.Yes indeed, we now can actually see that how common Malicious Edge is used right now, and with this pack coming, it might actually prove that Evil-Heroes will be more commonly used with.
There is actually more ways to use this card, and you might actually be able to special summon this creature on your draw phase, then get a chance of reviving Yomi(Treeborn) Frog, then get some really big creature out like LADD, and maybe some other great stuff rarely mentioned.
Posted by
YakiruZ(I got 3 nicks.)
1:13 AM
Labels: Card's Review
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Cryrstal Striking Thunder Deck
Crystal Beast Amber Mammoth (x2)
Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat (x2)
Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise (x1)
Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus (x3)
Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger (x3)
Hamon, Lord of Striking Thunder (x1)
Injection Fairy Lily (x1)
Ancient City - Rainbow Ruins (x3)
Crystal Abundance (x2)
Crystal Beacon (x2)
Crystal Blessing (x2)
Rare Value (x3)
Call Of The Haunted (x1)
Crystal Raigeki (x2)
Magic Cylinder (x1)
Mirror Force (x1)
Hydrogeddon (x3)
Jinzo (x1)
Rainbow Dragon (x1)
Posted by
ReccaEvil ( KING OF EMO )
4:11 AM
Labels: DeckList's
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Cards Review On Chimeratech Fortress Dragon
[Cyber Dragon] + 1 or more Machine Type monsters
This card cannot be use as Fusion material monster. This card cannot be special summon from Fusion deck outside of by sending the above cards from the field into Graveyard (The Magic card [Fusion] is not required).This card's original attack streng this equal to number of Fusion material monster x1000.
Review: Chimeratech Fortress Dragon is a card that can put your fusion deck due to the effect of the card. Because you can use any side of the field monster send in the Graveyard to special summon Chimeratech Fortress Dragon and for the original attack strength is equal to number of Fusion material monster x1000.
Of course, this card is definitely half-broken, and you can also use opponent's machines to get this out. An indirect dark hole to a machine deck, if you have one of these. No matter how broken some card maybe, there are also some ways to actually "kill" this card.
Some common ways would like Reactive armour, Hammer shot etc.
There is also another way to actually kill this card by attacking along with a supportive card, the infamous shrink
Quickplay Magic Card
Effect:Select 1 face-up monster on the field.The original attack of the that monster is halved until the end of the turn.
This card when used to CFT, the original attack as shown in the card, which is "zero" when halved, still zero. Plus the effect of the x1000 attack is not a boost by a second-party card, so after shrinked, CFT attack turns to "zero" which obviously is vulnerable too many attacks. We will obviously see alot of CFTs being used, this card can be mostly used in alot of situations, as long as 1 card naming "Cyber Dragon" is around.
Posted by
ReccaEvil ( KING OF EMO )
11:16 PM
Labels: Card's Review